Fruit Jelly Cake | Jelly Fruit Cake | Glass Cake

Fruit Jelly Cake


china grass strips - 20 gram water - 3 & 1/2 cup to 4 cup Sugar - 3 tbsp or as per taste Food colour Fruits -1/2 cup each


1. Heat water with china grass until dissolves. 2.Add sugar and mix well. 3.Once it became jelly like consistency, turn off the stove. 4.Pour one or 2 spoon of warm jelly mix in any bowl or cake mould. 5.Put chopped fruits . 6.Keep approximately one cup of jellymix aside . 7.Pour the remaining mix on top the fruits. 8.Let set aside and make the jelly mix for another layer. 9.Add one or two drops of food colour(strawberry) in one cup of china grass mix. 10.Mix well and reheat the mixture for 2 to 3 minutes. 11.Pour the warm strawberry jelly mix . 12.Refrigerate for 2 to 3 hours or until set. 13.Once it is set, flip and remove from mould. 14.Cut into pieces and serve.


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