Homemade Special Herbal Tea

Herbal Tea


  • Milk- 1/2 litre
  • Water- 2 cup
  • Ginger- 2 tsp
  • Tulsi leaves- 10 or 15
  • Cardamom -  6 or 7
  • Tea powder- 5 tsp
  • Pure brown sugar- 3 tsp


  • Turn on the stove and put the vessel with milk on it and Let it boil
  • Now turn on the other side burner and put the vessel  
  • Pour some water and Let it boil
  • Once the water is hot, put the tea powder
  • Once the tea powder is started to boil, keep the stove on low flame
  • Then put the ginger paste, cardamom powder and tulsi leaves
  • Stir well and let it boil for 10 more minutes
  • After 10 minutes, the great aroma will come out.Then turn off the stove
  • Once the milk is boiled, turn off the stove
  • Now filter the tea decoction
  • Mix the milk and tea decoction together
  • Put the required brown sugar as per taste and stir well
  • Healthy and delicious herbal tea is ready

Thank You

Watch below video for full recipe making


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