Cabbage Egg Stir-Fry

Cabbage Egg StirFry

Today let's see how to make delicious Cabbage egg Stir fry recipe.


  • Chopped cabbage-  2 cups
  • Chopped onion-1
  • Chopped green chillies- 3
  • Turmeric Powder- 1/2 tsp
  • Cumin powder- 1/2 tsp
  • Grated coconut- 1/2 cup
  • Egg -2
  • Salt per taste
  • Oil as required


  • Pour 2 tsp of oil in the pan and Let the oil heat
  • Once the oil is hot, Put 1/2 tsp of mustard seeds
  • Once the mustard seeds are crackled, put the chopped onion ,green chillies and curry leaves
  • Saute well
  • Now add chopped cabbages
  • Then add salt per taste and mix well
  • Let it cook for 10 minutes
  • For masala, blend the grated coconut, shallots, garlic, turmeric powder and cumin powder
  • Make a rough paste without add any water
  • After 10 minutes, add the coconut mixture in the half cooked cabbage  and Mix well
  • Cook until all the raw smell goes down
  • Now add the 2 eggs and mix well
  • Once it cooked so well, turn off the stove and transfer it on serving plates
  • Garnish with some curry leaves
  • Delicious Cabbage egg stir fry is ready

For video recipe watch below


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